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145 Delhi Police Act -  Persons interested may seek to annul, reverse or alter any rule or order

Section 145 of Delhi Police Act 1978 -  Persons interested may seek to annul, reverse or alter any rule or order

(1) In the case of any rule or order made by the Administrator under an authority conferred by this Act and requiring the public or a particular class of persons to perform some duty or act, or to conduct or order themselves or those under their control in a manner therein described, it shall be competent for any person interested to apply to the Administrator by a memorial to annul, reverse, or alter the rule or order aforesaid on the ground of its being unlawful, oppressive or unreasonable.

(2) After such an application as aforesaid and rejection thereof wholly or in part or after the lapse of four months without an answer to such application or a decision thereon published by the Administrator, it shall be competent for the person interested and deeming the rule or order to be contrary to law to institute a suit in the principal civil court of original jurisdiction against the Administrator for a declaration that the rule or order is unlawful either wholly or in part.

(3) Where in any suit instituted under sub-section (2) or on appeal therefrom, the court adjudges a rule or order to be unlawful, the rule or order shall be annulled or so altered as to make it conformable to law.

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