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23 Police Act -  Duties of police-officers

Section 23 of Indian Police Act 1861 -  Duties of police-officers

It shall be the duty of every police-officer promptly to obey and execute all orders and warrants lawfully issued to him by any competent authority; to collect and communicate intelligence affecting the public peace; to prevent the commission of offences and public nuisances; to detect and bring offenders to justice and to apprehend all persons whom he is legally authorized to apprehend, and for whose apprehension sufficient ground exists; and it shall be lawful for every police-officer, for any of the purposes mentioned in this section, without a warrant, to enter and inspect any drinking-shop, gaming-house or other place of resort of loose and disorderly characters.

Insertion of new section 23-A.-In the Police Act, 1861, after section 23, the following new section shall be inserted, namely:-

23-A. Power in relation to cognizable offences in a running train.-Without prejudice to the provisions contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), a Sub-Inspector of police, posted to the mobile out-post of the Government Railway Police, shall, while performing duty in a running train, exercise the powers of the officer-in-charge of the local Government Railway Police station for the purposes of investigation into cognizable offences committed in a running train and when so exercising such powers, shall be deemed to be the officer-in-charge of such police-station discharging the functions of such officer within the limits of that Police-station.

[Vide the Orissa Act 21 of 1986, s. 2]

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