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Order XXI Rule 74 CPC - Sale of agricultural produce

Order 21 Rule 74 of Code of Civil Procedure 1908 - Sale of agricultural produce

(1) Where the property to be sold is agricultural produce, the sale shall be held,-

(a) if such produce is a growing crop, on or near the land on which such crop has grown, or

(b) if such produce has been cut or gathered, at or near the threshing floor or place for trading out grain or the like or fodder-stack on or in which it is deposited :

Provided that the Court may direct the sale to be held at the nearest place of public resort, if it is of opinion that the produce is thereby likely to sell to greater advantage.

(2) Where, on the produce being put up for sale,-

(a) a fair price, in the estimation of the person holding the sale, is not offered for it, and

(b) the owner of the produce or a person authorized to act in his behalf applies to have the sale postponed till next day or, if a market is held at the place of sale, the next market-day, the sale shall be postponed accordingly and shall be then completed, whatever price may be offered for the produce.                    

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